评: comment; criticize; review税: tax; duty; tallage; due基期: base period基期;评税基期: base period上年度评税基期: preceding year basis以上年度为基椿上年度评税基期: preceding year basis计税基期: basis period课税基期: basis period tax税基: tax base评税: a e ment; assessment税基;课税基础: tax base基期值: base-period value评税员: person who assesses taxes or the value of property etc评税;评定;估价;评税单: a e ment; assessment计税基准,计税基数: base of taxation应税基础,计税基价: tax base变动基期: shifting base period; shifting the base标准基期: reference base period付税基金: assessment fund高尔基期: golgi phase固定基期: fixed base period固定基期法: fixed base system基期变换: change of base基期产量: base period productivity基期存货: base inventory