评定: judge; pass judgment on; eva ...管道: pipeline; channel; tunnel; p ...涂: spread on; apply; smear覆: cover搭接: lap; lap joint; lapped butt; ...材料: material的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...试验: experiment; test; trial方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...金属材料的试验方法: the method of metal i ection; the method of metal inspection管道涂层比可弯性的试验方法: standard test method for specific bendability of pipeline coatings管道涂层抗化学药物腐蚀性的试验方法: standard test method for chemical resistance of pipeline coatings管道涂层耐磨性的试验方法: standard test method for abrasion resistance of pipeline coatings管道涂层渗水性的试验方法: standard test method for water penetration into pipeline coatings管道涂层受室外气候影响的试验方法: standard test method for effects of outdoor weathering on pipeline coatings管道涂层阴极剥离的试验方法: standard test methods for cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings测量绝热材料的压缩性的试验方法: standard test method for measuring compressive properties of thermal insulations磁性材料的叠装系数的试验方法: standard test method for lamination factor of magnetic materials垫片材料的密封性的试验方法: standard test methods for sealability of gasket materials垫片材料的蠕变松驰作用的试验方法: standard test methods for creerelaxation of a gasket material垫片材料的压缩性及回弹性的试验方法: standard test method for compressibility and recovery of gasket materials粒状耐火材料的松密度的试验方法: standard test method for bulk density of granular refractory materials耐火材料的筛析和含水量的试验方法: standard test methods for sieve analysis and water content of refractory materials热绝缘材料的平均比热的试验方法: standard test method for mean specific heat of thermal insulation柔软包装材料的厚度测量的试验方法: standard test method for thickness measurement of flexible packaging material