



        证实:    authenticate; corroborate; a ...
        支持:    sustain; hold out; bear
        证据:    evidence; proof; testimony
        证实,证据,证人:    evidence
        维护…;支持…;证实…:    in support of
        辨认 证明 证实 出立证据:    authenticate
        无确实证据的 已证实的:    unsubstantiated verified
        有什么证据可以支持:    is there any evidence to support what you have said
        证实:    1.(证明其确实) authenticate; corroborate; affirm; demonstrate; confirm; verify 用文件来证实日期 authenticate a date; a documentory proof: 有待证实 remain to be confirmed; 证实一个报道 confirm a report; 证实一个科学上的假设 verify a scientific hypothesis; 证实无可置疑 [法律] proof beyond a reasonable doubt; 消息得到了证实。 the news has been confirmed2.[数学] verification; 证实者 prover
        没有一点儿证据可以证实此事:    not a scintilla of evidence to prove it
        证据:    evidence; proof; testimony 直接证据 [法律] direct evidence; 搜集证据 collect evidence; 提出证据 offer testimony; 让我举出更多的证据。 let me adduce more evidence. 很难获得可靠的证据。 it is difficult to obtain reliable evidence.; 证据不足 lack of evidence; insufficiency of evidence; 证据充足 sufficient evidence
        未经证实的想法, 得不到支持的意见:    think-so
        几乎没有证据能支持这种说法:    little evidence exists to support the claim
        支持:    1.(勉强维持) sustain; hold out; bear 支持不住 unable to keep up efforts2.(给予鼓励或赞助) support; back; stand by 给予坚决的支持 give strong backing to 他们在工作中互相支持。 they support each other in their work
        坚定;证实:    confirm
        经证实:    it's proved that the approver improved waterproof roof
        能证实:    be witness to sth
        请证实:    pleaseconfirm
        确认、证实:    cfm confirm
        说明,证实:    testify to
        为证实:    to confirm confirming confirmation in confirmation of
        未证实:    unverified
        已证实:    authenticated
        再证实:    reconfirmation
        证明, 证实:    testify to


  1. "证实,肯定;批准;确认"英文
  2. "证实,确认"英文
  3. "证实,确认,承认"英文
  4. "证实,确证"英文
  5. "证实,证据,证人"英文
  6. "证实;使具体化"英文
  7. "证实报告"英文
  8. "证实比特"英文
  9. "证实测验"英文
  10. "证实程度"英文


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