The first four days , during which he was not called upon to do anything , he spent in riding round the whole of the fortified camp , and by the aid of his experiences and his conversations with persons of greater experience , he tried to form a definite idea about it 在头四天,他没被要求做什么事,安德烈公爵巡视所有设防的营地,借助自己的知识与有关人员谈话,是可能对每个营地有明确的概念。
设防: set up defences; fortify; ga ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...营地: campsite; camping ground没有设防的: defenceless设防的城市: the embattled city不设防的城市: undefended city没设防的城市: open city偏远的营地: outcamp我的营地: boku no camjapanese罗马不设防的城市: rome ville ouverte; rome, open city未设防的建筑物: undefended building健行者的营地: farstrider camp大车围成的营地: caminside a circle of wagons盗猎蜥蜴者的营地: the poachers camp流动工人的营地: a labour camp旅客住宿的营地: tourist camp切斯特 古英语 设防的城镇: chester对来自空中的攻击是无法设防的: there can be no real defence against attacks from the air特兰西瓦尼亚村落及其设防的教堂: villages with fortified churches in transylvania未设防的洲际弹道导弹发射阵地: undefended icbm site设防: set up defences; fortify; garrison 层层设防 set up defences in depth; 步步设防 set up defences at each stage of the fighting; 不设防的城市 an open city; an undefended city; 对来自空中的攻击是无法设防的。 there can be no real defence against attacks from the air.; 设防地带 fortified zone营地: campsite; camping ground 设防的营地 a fortified camp; 流动工人的营地 a labour camp; 将战士们暂时安顿在新营地 camp the soldiers temporarily in new quarters; 登山者们在靠近山顶处设有一个营地。 the climbers had a camp near the top of the mountains在校园的营地上运动冠军将摄影机放在骆驼上: on the camof the campus the campaign champion put the camera on the camel谨防的: cautious in the habit of looking out for possible danger or trouble; wary of消防的: firefighting; protective