It turns out that we were more successful than we had anticipated . 结果比我们原先设想的还要好。
He was more intelligent and sensitive than his opponents assumed . 他比他的反对者所设想的要更加敏锐和机智。
Monarchy, for instance, for all its manifest vices, was a conceivable government for millions . 比如说,君主制虽然有其明显的弊病,成了千百万群众可以设想的政体。
A proposed conceptual single-plane cablestayed design envisions the piers to be prefabricated in a unit along the shore . 建议设想的单索面斜拉桥设计,设想桥墩在岸边按单元预制。
It seemed that man was making a real effort to understand the seasons 20, 000 years earlier than has been supposed . 看来人类在比我们设想的还要早二万年就已经在认真努力弄懂季节的变化了。
设想: imagine; envisage; conceive; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...假定的 设想的: presumptively假定设想的: assumption能设想的: devisable设想的飞机: hypothetical aircraft设想的矿: probable ore设想的矿石: future ore; future possible ore; probable ore设想的形成: conception设想的发动机: hypothetical engine设想的源细胞: putative cell为他人设想的: c.considerate; considerate of方案及设想的验证: verification of alternatives and assumptions计划中设想的指标: targets envisaged in the programme以前设想的血液凝固图解: n coagulation schema as previously conceived设想: 1.(想象) imagine; envisage; conceive; assume 不堪设想 too ghastly to contemplate; 计划中设想的指标 targets envisaged in the programme; 他的设想证明是错误的。 his assumption proved to be wrong.2.(想法) tentative plan; tentative idea 请把你的初步设想在会上讲一讲。 please come out with your tentative ideas at the meeting.3.(着想) have consideration for 多为青少年设想 give much thought to the needs of the younger generation; 应该处处替国家设想。 we should always take the interests of the country into consideration. 他从不为别人设想。 he never considers others假想,设想: assumption设想,推测: suppose设想,想: conceive设想,想像: envisage v. have picture in the mind; imagine设想出: dream up设想有: consider设想者: meditator为…设想: favour favor想像,设想: envisage