论证: expound and prove辨析: differentiate and analyse; d ...型: mould; model作文: write a composition composit ...高: tall; high分: component策略: tactics a surname论证辨析型作文写作8步走: steps to the argument writing task论证辨析型作文要求: the argument writing task观点陈述型作文高分策略: how to compose a high-scoring issue essay论证辨析作文的注意事项: do's and don'ts for your argument essay; do‘s and don‘ts for your argument essay部分策略: partial strategy目标市场细分策略: targetmarketsegmentstrategy观点陈述型作文要求: the issue writing task一种设置空位罚分策略: affine gapenalty文高: fumitaka辨析: (辨别分析) differentiate and analyse; discriminate 同义词辨析 synonym discrimination论证: 1.(论述过程) demonstration; proof 无可辩驳的论证 irrefutable proof2.(论述并证明) expound and prove [verify]3.(论据) argument; argumentation; 论证程序 demonstration program; 论证方式 way of argumentation; 论证过程 process of argumentation; 论证性 argumentation作文: 1.(写文章) write a composition2.(文章) composition分析型: analytic type; analytical type陈文高: chen wengao葛文高: michael kurtz阮文高: vn cao文高手: downfiles余文高: yu wen-gao