论: The Analects of Confucius人: human being; man; person; pe ...计酬: fee-for-service论人生: essay on life论人性: a treatise of human nature; on human nature; onhumannature计酬法: compensation plans日计酬: per diem美人计: use a seductive woman to corrupt sb.; use of a woman to ensnare a man; sex-trap成败论人: judge a person by his success or failure理论人口学: theoretical demography论人的尊严: oration on the dignity of man论人生态度: attitude评论人彼莱: mgg pillai评论人物: profile受邀评论人: discussant谈论人品: describing personality traits无神论人口: demographics of atheism新闻评论人: newscaster按工计酬: pay according to work按技术计酬: skill-based compensation按件计酬: pay on a piecework basis按劳计酬: pay according to work; remuneration according to the work按时计酬: hourly wage病例计酬: drgs定额计酬: quota remuneration