讲究: be particular about; pay att ...挑剔: nitpick; be hypercritical; b ...吃: eat; take; make穿: pierce through; penetrate讲究挑剔: be) particular about挑剔讲究: particular about穿: Ⅰ动词1.(破; 透) pierce through; penetrate 穿个窟窿 pierce [bore] a hole; 穿云破雾 pierce through fogs and clouds; 火箭击穿了敌人的坦克。 the rocket penetrated the enemy's tank. 枪弹穿入他的身体。 a bullet entered his body. 他看穿了他们的企图。 he penetrated their designs.2.(通过孔、隙、空地等) pass through; cross; go through 穿过马路 run across the street; cross a street; 穿过隧道 pass through a tunnel; 从人群中穿过去 thread one's way through the crowd; 船从暗礁之间穿过。 the ship threaded her way between the hidden rocks.咱们从操场穿过去吧。 let's take the shortcut across the sports field.3.(穿衣服鞋袜) wear; put on; be dressed in; have ... on 穿得很朴素 simply dressed; 她穿着新衣服。 she was wearing a new dress. 他急忙穿上衣服。 he put on his clothes in a hurry. 这种鞋小点不要紧, 穿穿就大了。 it doesn't matter if the shoes feel a bit tight. they'll stretch with wearing.4.(用绳线等通过物体把物品连贯起来) thread; string 这个小姑娘将贝壳穿在一起, 戴在脖子上。 the little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck. 这些宝石穿在一根银链上。 these jewels are strung together on a silver chain.Ⅱ名词(姓氏) a surname 穿拓 chuan tuo吃: Ⅰ动词1.(吃东西) eat; take; make 匆匆吃顿午饭 make a hasty lunch; 吃酒 drink wine; 吃苹果 eat an apple; 吃糖 have some sweets; 吃喜酒 go to wedding feast; attend the wedding banquet; 吃药 take medicine2.(在某一出售食物的地方吃) have one's meals; eat 吃食堂 have one's meals in the mess3.(依靠某种事物来生活) live on [off]: 吃利钱 live on interest; 拷山吃山,靠水吃水。 mountaineers rely on the mountains, just like those by the waterside profit from water.; if you live on a mountain, you live off the mountain; if you live by the water, you live off the water.4.(多用于军事、棋戏: 消灭) annihilate;wipe out 吃掉敌人一个团 annihilate an enemy regiment; 吃一个子儿 take a piece (in chess)5.(耗费) exhaust; be a strain 感到吃力 feel the strain (of work, etc.); find a job difficult6.(吸收液体) absorb; soak up 这块地不吃水。 this plot does not take in water. 这种纸不吃墨。 this kind of paper does not absorb ink.7.(受; 挨) suffer; incur 吃批评 be criticized; 连吃败仗 suffer one defeat after another; 腿上吃了一枪 get shot in the leg; 吃了他一拳。 he gave (me) a blow.Ⅱ介词(多见于早期白话: 被) by 吃那厮骗了 was swindled by that fellow挑剔: nitpick; be hypercritical; be fastidious; cavil; upbraid; pick fault; make an abrupt, upward stroke 不要那么挑剔。 don't be so picky. 我对他的工作无可挑剔。 i have no fault to find with his work 讲究: 1.(力求精美完善; 讲求; 重视) be particular about; pay (great) attention to; devote particular care to; stress; strive for 讲究吃穿 be too fastidious about one's food or clothing; 讲究实际效果 stress practical results; 讲究效益 pay close attention to results; 讲究卫生 pay attention to hygiene; 现在城里人很讲究穿而且穿得很时髦。 nowadays, everyone in the city was very clothes-conscious and fashionable.2.(精美) exquisite; tasteful; costly; sumptuous; elegant 讲究的服装 elegant dress; 讲究的早餐 fine breakfast3.(值得注意或推敲的内容) careful study 教学法大有讲究。 teaching methods need careful study穿,识破: see through隧道(穿): tunnel(ing)吃, 喝: get outside of吃……的: phagous关于“吃”: food & restaurant喂…吃: feed…to有;吃: have爱挑剔: dainty对…挑剔: be particular about; critical of埋怨,挑剔: find fault挑剔的: captious; censorious; choosy; fastidious - coarse; finicky; finikin; oldfashioned; old-womanish; particular; picky; selective挑剔地: reprovingly挑剔者: quibbler穿, 戴, 用力拉: pull on穿prada的魔: the devil wears prada (film)