I designed and implemented the record - unit subsystem with mutil - thread by the method of structured design 设计实现记录仪系统的记录单元子系统也是本人工作的重点。
This paper introduced briefly the requirement of the mdsl system analyzed by sart and the design of the record - unit subsystem 本文简要介绍了本人采用sart方法对系统的需求分析和系统中记录单元子系统的概要设计方案。
Lerr is obtained through tracing the variety of elastic energy density of each element and recording the maximal fluctuation when brittle failure happens during numerical calculation 该指标的实现是通过在数值计算中追踪每个单元弹性能量密度变化的全过程,记录单元发生脆性破坏前后的弹性能密度差值,得到单位体积岩体突然释放的弹性能量。
At the end of the paper , we analyze the real time schedulability of the recorder - unit subsystem by the rma ( rate - monotonic analysis ) . we proved that the system is schedulable and the time requirement can be met by the rma analysis and the practical testing 最后采用实时系统常用的rma ( rate - monotonicanalysis )方法对开发出来的记录单元子系统进行了实时可调度性分析,通过理论分析和实际系统测试证实了该系统设计是成功的,整个系统是实时可调度性的。
In the former version of mdsl system , the record - unit is based on dos that is not real time os , so to enhance the reliability of system in all rates of input data flow we redeveloped the system based on the qnx , which is an excellent real time os 由于在以前的开发产品中用于记录语音和雷达数据的记录单元采用的是非实时操作系统,为提高系统在提高记录仪系统的实时性,提高系统在各种数据输入流量下的可靠性,我们在实时操作系统qnx下对整个系统进行了重新开发。