让: give way; give ground; yield ...我: I; my; me吻: lips你: you闭上眼让我吻你: so close your eyes and let me kiss you我吻你的唇: i kiss your lips因我吻你的唇: if i touched your lips 我吻: i kiss当我吻你的嘴唇,我开始哆嗦环岛: when i kiss your lips, ooh i start to shiver所有通过我吻你是一个酒吧韵: all i do is kiss you through the bars of a rhyme吻你: kissing you亲吻你: a big kiss觉得我吻: youll我吻了你: i kissed you与我吻别: kiss me goodbye让我: let me; take me to your heart; the more loving one亲吻你 (亲一下): a big kiss吻你所爱: embrassez qui vous voudrez我要亲吻你: i want to kiss you my baby我要吻你: karoi sakurambo当我吻了老师: when i kissed the teacher我吻过的爱人: and the love that i kissed吻你想吻的人: embrassez qui vous voudrez今夜我就要亲吻你: i want to kiss you tonight空气中吻你的脸: kiss you in the air