

  • make the earth smile
  • :    give way; give ground; yield ...
  • 地球:    the earth; the globe
  • :    smile; laugh
  • 起来:    stand up; sit up; rise to on ...
  • 大笑起来:    1.(用力笑) break-out2.(多指逗人笑) bull


        :    give way; give ground; yield ...
        地球:    the earth; the globe
        :    smile; laugh
        起来:    stand up; sit up; rise to on ...
        大笑起来:    1.(用力笑) break-out2.(多指逗人笑) bull
        突然笑起来:    break into a laugh; burst into laughter; burst out laughing
        爱让地球转动:    love makes the world go round
        哈哈大笑起来:    burst into laughter
        突然大笑起来:    burst into laughter; wenjinhu staring me a long time suddenly into laughter
        让地球充满生机:    give earth a chance
        接着她忽然笑起来:    she burst out laughing
        她突然大笑起来:    she broke into a loud laugh
        设法让老师们笑起来:    trytomaketeacherssmile
        他们叽叽嘎嘎地笑起来:    they started cackling
        (她)自鸣得意却令人讨厌地笑起来:    with her disagreeably pleasant laugh
        他们听着听着不觉哈哈大笑起来:    as they listened they burst into laught er
        他这一句话引得大家笑起来:    his remark set everybody laughing. quote
        叽叽嘎嘎他们叽叽嘎嘎地笑起来:    they started cackling
        谦让地:    meekly
        让地方:    make room
        租让地:    grant
        起来:    起来1.(站起; 坐起) stand up; sit up; rise to one's feet 起来吃药吧。 sit up and have your medicine.2.(起床) get up; get out of bed 快起来, 你这个懒蛋。 get up! you lazybones. 我今早起来时头疼得厉害。 i got up with such a terrible headache this morning.3.(奋起) rise; arise; revolt 起来反抗压迫 rise against oppression; 人们终于起来把反动的政权推翻了。 the people finally rose up and overthrew the reactionary regime. 奴隶们起来反抗他们的主人。 the slaves rose against their masters.
        地球:    the earth; the globe◇地球扁率 compression [flattening] of the earth; 地球扁球体 earth spheroid; 地球变化磁场 variable magnetic field of the earth; 地球表面 earth surface; 地球波导 terrestrial waveguide; 地球测绘电子学 geometronics; 地球长半径 earth major radius; 地球成因学 geogony; 地球磁极 earth magnetic pole; geomagnetic pole; magnetic poles; 地球大气 earth atmosphere; 地球电导率 earth's electric conductivity; 地球短半径 earth minor radius; 地球飞船 earth spaceship; 地球公转 revolution of the earth; 地球轨道 [天文学] earth's orbit; 地球基本磁场 fundamental magnetic field of the earth; 地球结构 earth's structure; 地球科学 earth science; geoscience; 地球科学家 geoscientist; 地球空间 terrestrial space; geospace; 地球力学 geomechanics; 地球密度 earth density; 地球模型 earth model; terella; terrella; 地球末日 geocide; 地球内部 earth interior; 地球内部磁场 internal geomagnetic field; 地球内核 earth inner core; 地球起源 origin of the earth; 地球清洁日 earth day; 地球清洁周 earth week; 地球曲率 earth curvature; 地球人 terran; 地球日 earth day; 地球同步轨道 earth-synchronous orbit; 地球同步通讯卫星 geostatic telecommunications satellite; 地球同步卫星 geostationary satellite; synchronous satellite; geopause; 地球椭圆体 earth ellipsoid; 地球纬度 terrestrial latitude; 地球卫星 earth satellite; 地球物理场 geophysical field; 地球物理学 geophysics; 地球学 geonomy; earth science; 地球引力 gravity; gravitational attraction; 地球有效半径 effective earth's radius; 地球中心说 geocentricism; 地球自由振荡 earth free oscillation; 地球自转 earth rotation
        烧起来,旺起来:    burn up
        站起来;竖起来:    stand up


  1. "让迪永"英文
  2. "让敌人尝尝我们炮弹的味道"英文
  3. "让敌人发光,成为众人的目标(??不太清楚)"英文
  4. "让地方"英文
  5. "让地球充满生机"英文
  6. "让蒂"英文
  7. "让蒂安"英文
  8. "让蒂贝里"英文
  9. "让蒂尔"英文
  10. "让蒂尔港"英文


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