

  • handicap race
  • minus handicap


        :    give way; give ground; yield ...
        :    component
        比赛:    match; competition; race; co ...
        四人比赛的让分制:    bangles; bingles; bungles
        计分比赛:    point tourney
        扣分比赛制:    bad mark system; penalty point system
        平分比赛:    scratch
        分比:    [数学] composition in a proportion; proportion by subtraction◇分比定理 dividendo; 分比力学 [力学] analytic mechanics; analytical mechanics
        多让分:    high handicap
        让分给:    give points to
        让分盘:    handicap
        少让分:    low handicap
        公开让分, 正式让分:    official handicap
        公开让分:    official handicap
        让分棒球:    army
        正式让分:    official handicap
        比赛:    match; competition; race; contest; game; tournament 长跑比赛 long-distance race; 国际比赛 international games [matches]; 射击比赛 shooting contest; 网球比赛 tennis tournament; 象棋比赛 chess tournament; 自行车比赛 bicycle race; 摩托车比赛 motorcylce race; 跳伞比赛 parachuting contest; 竞走比赛 pedestrian contest; 有奖演说比赛 a prize speaking contest; 足球比赛 football match; 参加比赛 take part in the competition; 参加比赛者 contestant; 比赛步枪 match rifle; 比赛地点 venue; 比赛规则 rules of the game; rules of a contest; 比赛项目 event
        示差让分析法:    differential thermal analysis
        百分比:    percentage 按百分比计算 in terms of percentage; 百分比变化 percentage variation; fractional variation; 百分比读数 percentage registration; 百分比皮重 percentage tare; 百分比误差 percentage error
        差分比:    finite-difference ratio
        成分比:    ratio of constituents
        合分比:    proportion by addition and subtraction
        灰分比:    ash rate
        千分比:    permillage; permille
        筛分比:    sieve ratio


  1. "让菲利普加蒂安"英文
  2. "让菲利普勒卡"英文
  3. "让菲力普郎科罗"英文
  4. "让费利克斯恩泰洛"英文
  5. "让分棒球"英文
  6. "让分给"英文
  7. "让分盘"英文
  8. "让风带着我飞"英文
  9. "让风轻轻的打在我脸颊"英文
  10. "让夫兰"英文


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