让: give way; give ground; yield ...一: one让一击: mulligan让一郎: joichiro嘿,让一下道,让一下道,让一下道!: Make way there-make way-make way!各让一步: to go fifty-fifty就让一步: then take a steback两穴让一击: one off two每局让一分: bisk; bisque让一切随风: dj sky remix让一切正确: by making it right三穴让一击: one off three第三穴让一击: third决不退让一步: never yield an inch让一切好起来: and make it ok让一世德波旁: john i, duke of bourbon稍微退让一点: give in a little嘿让一下道让一下道让一下道: make way there make way make way爱让一切都对了: love make everythings all right不让一个儿童落后: no child left behind不让一个儿童落伍: nclb不让一个孩子掉队: nclb; no child left behind不让一个孩子落后: nclb不让一个孩子落伍: no child left behind不让一个孩子落下: no child left behind