

  • admit


        :    give way; give ground; yield ...
        进入:    get into; enter; entry; ente ...
        容许:    tolerate; permit; admit; bro ...
        让…进入容许进汽:    admit
        进入容量:    entrancecapacity
        让…进入:    let in; the broken window let the wind in
        让…进入,放…进来:    let in
        让…进入;放…出来:    let in
        容许进入:    admission; admit
        空气中污染物的吸入容许量:    breathing tolerance
        可进入的, 可容许的:    admissible
        最大容许进入量:    maximum permissible intake
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(把方便或好处给别人) give way; give ground; yield; give up 寸步不让 refuse to yield an inch; not budge an inch; 各不相让。 neither is willing to give ground. 嘿, 让一下道, 让一下道, 让一下道! make way there-make way-make way! 你该让着弟弟一点。 you ought to humour your younger brother a little. 他把座位让给老人。 he gave up his seat to the old man.2.(请人接受招待) invite; offer 把客人让进里屋 invite guests into the inner room; 让茶 offer sb. tea3.(出让; 转让) let sb. have sth. at a fair price 我可以按半价把这本词典让给你。 i can let you have this dictionary at half its price.4.(指使; 容许; 听任) let; allow; make 大夫不让她起来。 the doctor told her to stay in bed. 对不起, 让你久等了。 sorry to have kept you waiting. 让我想一想。 let me think it over. 他让我把这个消息转告你。 he told me to pass the message on to you.5.(避开; 躲闪) dodge 幸亏我让得快,要不早被那辆自行车撞倒了。 luckily i dodged in time, or i'd have been knocked down by the bike.Ⅱ介词(在被动式里引进主动者) 让你猜对了。 you've guessed right. 太阳让云彩遮住了。 the sun was hidden by clouds. 行李让雨淋湿了。 the luggage got wet in the rain. 庄稼让大水冲跑了。 the crops were washed away by the flood
        容许:    1.(许可) tolerate; permit; admit; brook; allow 如条件容许 if conditions permit; 情况不容许我们再等待了。 in such circumstances we can't afford to wait any longer. 可以容许你有五天的准备时间。 you will be allowed five days to prepare. 我们不容许任何外来干涉。 we will brook no outside interference. 这件事不容许再耽搁了。 the matter brooks no further delay.2.(或许) possibly; perhaps 这类事情, 十年前容许有之。 such things might possibly have happened ten years ago.; 容许差 allowance; 容许电流 allowable current; permissible current; 容许度 permission; 容许反应 homologation reaction; 容许功率 allowable power; 容许故障率 acceptable malfunction rate; 容许荷载 allowable load; permissible load; safety load; 容许极限 tolerance; allowance; tolerable limit; 容许误差 allowable error; admissible error; permissble error; 容许限度 allowable limit; 容许值 admissible value; 容许阻力 allowable resistance
        接入容量:    making capacity
        输入容量:    input capacity
        吸入容量:    inlet capacity; suction capacity
        进入:    get into; enter; entry; entering; entrance; incoming; dipping; ingress; intro- 进入决赛阶段 enter the finals; 进入角色 enter into the spirit of a character; live one's part; 进入战斗 go into action; 进入阵地 get into position; 进入新阶段 enter upon a new phase; 她已进入了更年期。 she has entered upon the change of life. 10月1日 他进入了首相任期的第二个年头。 he entered on his second year of office as premier on oct. 1. 部队已进入战备状态。 the troops have entered into combat readiness
        把水倒入容器:    pour water into a vessel
        等侵入容量线:    isopotal line; isopotalline
        将水注入容器:    pour water into a vessel
        让……开着或关着:    leave …open/closed
        让……进去,放……近来:    let in
        让……望尘莫及:    leave sb. dead in the water
        让……进来,放进:    let in; let… in
        让……习惯:    suit … to


  1. "让―克里斯托夫约科"英文
  2. "让―皮埃尔塞雷"英文
  3. "让……搭车"英文
  4. "让……进来,放进"英文
  5. "让……进去,放……近来"英文
  6. "让……开着或关着"英文
  7. "让……望尘莫及"英文
  8. "让……习惯"英文
  9. "让……相形见绌"英文
  10. "让……一直……"英文


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