认证: attestation; authentication; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...您的账户: your account我的账户: my account被认证的: authentic经认证的: certified不生利息的账户: non-interest-bearing accounts您的账户是多少: what's your account number经认证的副本: certified copy以其他货币记账的账户: accounts maintained in other currencies安规认证的种类: introduce major safety agencies in the world国际认证的院校: aacsb经认证的netware工程师: certified netware engineer经认证的netware管理员: certified netware administrater; cna安规认证的数据认可: accept testing data in agency approval安规认证的选择原则: decision rules of safety agency mark经认证的netware工程师教员: certified netware instructor经型式认证的摩托车: type-approved motor-driven cycle认证副本;经核证的副本: certified copy通向国际认证的桥梁: certificate――a gateway to international certification正式认证的裁决书正本: duly authenticated original award给虚构的账户开账单,以隐藏失窃的商品: billing stolen merchandise to fictitious accounts我带来了我的新西兰元的账户: sure. i've brought the bank account of new zealand dollar亿美元从万塔的账户上划给一个: childrens' denfense fund域控制器(为网络用户的账户管理中心): dc domain controller