

  • dynamometer
  • :    count; compute; calculate; n ...
  • :    survey; fathom; measure
  • :    exploit; merit; meritorious ...
  • s计:    s-meter
  • :    Ⅰ动词1.(计算) count; compute; calculate; number 不计其数 countless; innumerable; 工作不计时间 be ready to work longer hours than required; not mind working extra hours; 数以万计 by the tens of thousands; numbering tens of thousands; 大小拖拉机计二十台。 the tractors, light and heavy, numbered twenty in all.; there were twenty light and heavy tractors in all.2.(设想; 打算) plan; plot 为长远计 from a long-term point of viewⅡ名词1.(测量或计算度数、时间等的仪器) meter; gauge 体温计 (clinical) thermometer; 雨量计 rain gauge2.(主意; 策略; 计划) idea; ruse; stratagem; plan 缓兵之计 stratagem to gain a respite; stalling tactics; 中计 fall into a trap; 眉头一皱, 计上心来。 knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind. 他们一计不成, 又生一计。 their first ruse having failed, they tried another.3.(姓氏) a surname 计然 ji ran


        :    count; compute; calculate; n ...
        :    survey; fathom; measure
        :    exploit; merit; meritorious ...
        s计:    s-meter
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(计算) count; compute; calculate; number 不计其数 countless; innumerable; 工作不计时间 be ready to work longer hours than required; not mind working extra hours; 数以万计 by the tens of thousands; numbering tens of thousands; 大小拖拉机计二十台。 the tractors, light and heavy, numbered twenty in all.; there were twenty light and heavy tractors in all.2.(设想; 打算) plan; plot 为长远计 from a long-term point of viewⅡ名词1.(测量或计算度数、时间等的仪器) meter; gauge 体温计 (clinical) thermometer; 雨量计 rain gauge2.(主意; 策略; 计划) idea; ruse; stratagem; plan 缓兵之计 stratagem to gain a respite; stalling tactics; 中计 fall into a trap; 眉头一皱, 计上心来。 knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind. 他们一计不成, 又生一计。 their first ruse having failed, they tried another.3.(姓氏) a surname 计然 ji ran
        36计:    thirty-six strategies
        ph计:    acidimeter; acidimetre; ph meter
        规,计:    gauge
        计;表:    meter
        计;规:    gauge
        听 计:    aurometer
        测功表:    ergometer
        测功法:    dynamometry
        测功机:    dynamometer
        测功计:    dynamometer; ergometer
        测功器:    dynamometer
        测功仪:    dynamometer
        电测功:    electric dynamometer; electro dynamometer; electrodynamometer
        ph计,酸度计:    ph indicator
        【电学】频率[周率]计。:    frequency meter
        按年(度)计:    yoy
        便携式ph计:    portable ph meter
        表;计;仪表:    meter
        财 务 计 划:    sfp
        弹性 环功率 计:    elastic loop dynamometer


  1. "计"英文
  2. "计 划 管 理 工 具"英文
  3. "计 划 推 行 后 的 阶 段"英文
  4. "计、表、米"英文
  5. "计,…表,…仪②量器"英文
  6. "计;表"英文
  7. "计;表;规;样板"英文
  8. "计;玻璃电极"英文
  9. "计;规"英文
  10. "计;氢离子浓度测定仪;酸度计"英文


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