计量: calculate; estimate; measure器具: utensil; implement; applianc ...控制: control; dominate; regulate; ...计量器具: counting device密度计量器具: density measuring instrument计量器具的检定: calibration of measruing device计量器具定型通用规范: the general norm for pattern evaluation of measuring instruments计量器具生产许可证: cmc制造计量器具生产许可证: cmc机具控制台: fcc facilities control consol计量器: dispensing mechanism; meter regulator; portioning device; proportioning device; quantifier; counter工作计量器具命名与分类代码规范: norm of designation for working measuring instrument and its classification code计量器具的可靠性分析原则: technical norm of reliability analysis principle for measuring instruments计量器具定型鉴定规范的编写导则: rules for drafting norms of pattern evraluation of measuring instruments欧洲计量器具制造商委员会: cecip; european committee of weighing instrument manufacturers企业能源计量器具配备与管理导则: guides for providing and managing of the measuring instruments of energy in enterprise计量;计量器: gauge计量杆, 计量器: gauging-rod计量器;计量员: gauger机器工具控制: machine-tool control测量器具: measuring appliance; measuring instrument计量装置, 计量器: metering mechanism安全计量器: safety gauge比例计量器: proportional meter材料计量器: batcher