计算: count; compute; calculate; r ...特殊: special; particular; peculia ...项目: item; article; clause; subje ...前: front的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...净收益: net proceeds未付特殊项目前的收益: income before extraordinary item未计算非常项目前的收益: income before extraordinary items扣除所得税以前的净收益: net income before income taxes特殊项目: a special project; exceptional items; extraordinary items; special item; unusual item非常项目, 特殊项目: abnormal item计息后的净收益: net income after interest charges发展迟缓特殊项目: specific delays of development扣缴所得税后的净收益: net income after income taxes应付给董事的净收益: net income payable to members of the board特殊项目或批量识别法: identification of specific item or lot method净收益变动计算表: statement accounting for variation in net income; statement of accounting for variance in net income净收益分配计算表: statement of appropriation of net income累计净收益计算书: statement of accumulated net income目前的: existent; immediate; near term; passing; present; ucs纯收益, 净收益: income net计算少数权益前的收益: income before minority interest短期净收益: net short-term gain汇兑净收益: exchange net income将来净收益: future net revenue