Phantoms for x - ray computed tomography X射线计算机计算的断层摄影法用模型
Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket 科学家利用计算机计算了火箭可能运行的轨道。
A good way to understand them is with a puzzle that neural nets can be used to solve 神经网络也许是计算机计算的将来,一个了解它的好方法是用一个它可以解决的难题来说明。
At last , the mathematic models of cargo pump , re - liquefied plant and cargo handling piping network are simulated on pc 最后,文章对货泵、再液化装置和货物管网的货物装卸的操作过程进行了计算机计算仿真。
This course is an investigation of affective priming and creation of rigorously counterbalanced , fully computerized testing paradigm 本课程目的在于探讨情绪激发的概念,并学习对抗平衡技术及计算机计算化的研究方法。