计算: count; compute; calculate; r ...在内: consist in; including; inclu ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...收入: income; revenue; receipts; g ...可计算在内的收入: deemable income计算在内的: inclusive计算在内的小孩: deemed child计算在内的资产: countable resource(ssi)超额津贴是不计算在内的: die leistungszulage keine berechnung把…计算在内: count in不计算在内: exclusive of计算在内: count in; count sb in把某事物计算在内: reckon sth把某物计算在内: reckon sth. in把某事物计算在内, 把某事物考虑在内: reckon sth in把我算在内: count me in在内的: ent; interior; internus; intl; inward你把乘出租车的费用计算在内了吗: did you reckon in the cost of the taxi别把我算在内: count me out包括在内的: inclusive不在内的: outofit一切在内的: overall在内的,内部的: intl别把我算在内,我不去: count me out不把某人算在内: count somebody out