

发音:   用"计划轨道"造句


  1. The american space probe , mariner 9 , has become the first spacecraft to orbit another planet , swinging into its planned trajectory around mars without a hitch


        计划:    plan; project; programme; de ...
        轨道:    track; pathway; rail; runway ...
        接近计划轨道:    orbit close to planned
        月球轨道者计划:    lunar orbiter program
        大型轨道天文台计划:    great observatories program
        轨道:    1.(供火车、电车等行驶的由条形钢材铺成的路线) track; pathway; rail; runway; circle; railway 地铁轨道 underground railway track; 矿车轨道 tram road; 你将在8号轨道找到你的列车。 you'll find your train at track 8.2.(天体在宇宙间运行的路线) orbit; trajectory 火星轨道 the orbit of mars; 把人造地球卫星送入轨道 put a man-made earth satellite into orbit; 卫星被射入环绕月球的轨道。 the satellite was launched into orbit around the moon.3.(规则; 范围) course; path 偏离轨道 leave the path of righteousness; err from the right path; take a wrong path; 生产已经走上轨道。 production has already been put on the right track.; 轨道变换 [天文学] orbital transfer; 轨道车 motor-trolley; 轨道导弹 orbital missile; 轨道导航仪 orbit navigator; 轨道发射 orbital launching; 轨道方向 [航空] orbital direction; 轨道飞行器 orbiter; 轨道敷设 track laying; 轨道火箭 orital rocket; 轨道计算 orbit(al) determination; 轨道交角 inclination of orbit; 轨道空间 orbit space; trajectory space; 轨道空间站 [天文学] orbital space station; 轨道力学 orbital mechanics; 轨道偏移 orbit displacement; 轨道平面 [力学] orbital plane; 轨道倾角 orbit inclination angle;轨道曲线 [航空] orbital curve; 轨道速度 orbital velocity; 轨道卫星 orbiter; orbiting satellite; 轨道修正 orbit trimming; 轨道运动 orbital motion; 轨道中心 orbit centre
        a计划:    proiect a; project a
        计划:    1.(工作、行动以前预先拟定的内容和步骤) plan; project; programme; device; devisal; design 宏伟的计划 a magnificent project; 五年计划 a five-year programme; 有计划地进行 proceed in a planned way; 制定计划 make a plan; draw up a plan; work out a plan; 指导性计划 guidance plan; 指令性计划 mandatory plan; 切实可行的计划 feasible [workable] plan; 有计划的商品经济 planned commodity economy; 反通货膨胀计划 anti-inflation programme; 紧急救助计划 the emergency aid programme; 五年“扫盲计划” the five-year“anti-illiteracy programme”; 修建新铁路的计划 the projection of a new railway2.(做计划) map out; plan; plot; design 会议原计划于三月开幕。 the conference was originally planned to open in march. 计划好了再动手干。 map it out before you start. 我们计划周末去纽约。 we plan to go to new york at the weekend.; 计划成本 planned costs; 计划经济 planned economy; 计划生产 planned production; 计划市场 planned market; 计划体制 planning system; 计划员 planner; schemer; 计划指标 plan targets
        半轨道:    semi orbit
        闭轨道:    closed orbit
        单轨道:    monorail; single track
        低轨道:    low orbit; low-altitude orbit
        多轨道:    moms multiple orbit-multiple satellite
        负轨道:    negative rail
        高轨道:    high orbit
        共轨道:    co-orbiting
        轨, 轨道:    orbiting laboratory
        轨道,钢轨:    rail
        轨道,航迹:    track
        轨道,导轨:    rail
        轨道,轨迹:    trajectory
        轨道,环绕:    orbit
        轨道;眼眶:    orbit
        轨道瓣:    track valve
        轨道舱:    obital ca ule; obital capsule; orbital comparison; orbital module; orbital pod


  1. "计划管理指南"英文
  2. "计划规定修理的"英文
  3. "计划规定修理的;已计划要修理的"英文
  4. "计划规划预算会计系统"英文
  5. "计划归档日期"英文
  6. "计划国家安全和国防部长"英文
  7. "计划国家发展环境和合作部长"英文
  8. "计划国平面图"英文
  9. "计划国务秘书"英文
  10. "计划国务委员"英文


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