Lingnan university sets standard in reporting admission scores 大学入学计分法出炉
An example of the application of grading in evaluating fuzzy maths 评价的模糊数学计分法应用一例
Using the financial analysis method of " balance score " , we can know the strength , weak , threat and opportunity of the company 通过运用“平衡计分法”的测评, “华强”公司面临着机遇与挑战并存的形势。
As a matter of fact , this long - standing difficulty was the reason behind the use of a factor - point system in the 1986 pay level survey 事实上,正是由于这个存在已久的问题,一九八六年薪酬水平调查才采用因素计分法
As a matter of fact , this long - standing difficulty was the reason behind the use of a factor - point system in the 1986 pay level survey 事实上,正是由于这个存在已久的问题,一九八六年薪酬水平调查才采用因素计分法;