警察: police; policeman的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...分区: subregion; subarea; partitio ...训令: instruction; order; directiv ...警察的: constabulary警察的干涉: baton charge警察的故事: story of policemen警察的线民: nark和警察的枪战: shootout with police格式的分区: ntfs输入的分区: partition selected is not startable active partition not changed; partition selected is not startable, active partition not changed警察的爱情故事: expired警察的保安队的: constabular他受到警察的查问: he was questioned by the police他受到警察的盘问: he was examined by the police无警察的平交路口: unmannedlevel crossing以警察的身分行事: act in one's capacity as a police officer/in one's police capacity有警察的平交路口: manned level crossing训令: instruction; order; directive; mandate无效的分区表: invalid partition table看更人或警察的木棒: nightstick贼从警察的身边走过: the thief is walking past a policeman海地国家警察的司法警察主任: director of the police judiciaire of the haitian national police城市区域的分区: zoning in urban area鼎鼎的分区魔术师: partition magician