

发音:   "解放战争"的汉语解释   用"解放战争"造句
  • 1.(争取解放的战争) war of liberation
    2.(指第三次国内革命战争) china's war of liberation (1945-1949)


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The tune was composed at the beginning of the war of liberation .
  2. This is a heroic company which fought on many fronts in the liberation war .
  3. On managing to seek foreign assistance in northeast
  4. Many people has offered out life to the liberation war
  5. Most of them came into the world during the war of liberation


        民族解放战争:    national liberation war
        全国解放战争:    national liberation war
        孟加拉国解放战争:    bangladesh liberation war
        民族解放战争烈士墓:    martyrs fallen in the war for national liberation
        人民解放战争先锋队:    people's liberation war vanguard; vanguard of the popular liberation war
        祖国解放战争胜利纪念碑:    fatherland liberation war memorial hall of the; memorial hall of the victory in the fatherl and
        这支曲子是在解放战争初期谱写的:    the tune was composed at the beginning of the war of liberation
        银河解放战线:    milky way liberation front
        这是一支解放战争中经过南征北战的英雄连队:    this is a heroic company which fought on many fronts in the liberation war
        贝尔格莱德解放战士墓:    groblje oslobodilaca beograd
        解放:    liberate; emancipate 解放后 after liberation; 解放区 liberated area; 解放区工会 trade unions in the liberated area; 解放生产力 liberate the productive forces; emancipate the productive forces; unfetter the productive forces; unleash inhibited [pent-up] productivity; 解放思想 emancipate the mind; free oneself from old ideas; emancipate one's thinking; 解放前 before liberation; 把妇女从受歧视的待遇中解放出来 emancipate women from discriminative treatment; 获得最后解放 achieve final emancipation; 这部新机器将把我们从繁重劳动中解放出来。 this new machine will emancipate us from the hard work
        战争:    war; warfare 战争的双方 the two sides in a war; both belligerents; 医治战争创伤 heal the war wounds; 战争赔款 reparation of war; 战争边缘政策 brink of war policy; brinkmanship; 战争财政 wartime finance; 战争储备 war reserves; 战争对策 war game; 战争法规 laws of war; jus belli; 战争贩子 warmonger; 战争狂 war mania; war hysteria; 战争冒险 war venture; war gamble; 战争赔偿 reparations of war; 战争赔款 indemnity of war; 战争升级 war escalation; 战争物资储备 storage of war materials; 战争形势 war situation; 战争行为 act of war; 战争性质 nature of war; 战争学 polemology; 战争状态 state of war; 战争准备 war preparation; 战争罪犯 war criminal; 战争罪行 war crime
        丹解放:    sudan liberation movement
        解放 (专辑):    loose (album)
        解放(上):    befreiung
        解放(下):    befreiung
        解放,解除:    emacipate
        解放,解开:    unbind
        解放;脱离:    emancipation
        解放报:    al tahrir; emancipacao; giai phong; la liberation; liberacion; liberation la; libration; oslobodjenje; raha; tahrir al; viduthalai
        解放城:    tahrir
        解放党:    hizb-ut-tahrir; national liberation party; palipehutu; peace and liberation party; pln
        解放的:    emancipatory; unchained
        解放伐:    liberation cutting; liberation felling; release felling
        解放者:    al-masiha; el libertador; holy liberator; le liberateur; liberateur le; the great emancipator
        解放扎伊尔革命运动:    revolutionary movement for the liberation of zaire



  1. "解放宣言"英文
  2. "解放亚美尼亚的亚美尼亚秘密军"英文
  3. "解放伊拉克"英文
  4. "解放运动电台"英文
  5. "解放扎伊尔革命运动"英文
  6. "解放者"英文
  7. "解放者,释放者"英文
  8. "解放者奥伊金斯将军区"英文
  9. "解放者报"英文
  10. "解放者杯"英文


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