

发音:   用"解放刚果"造句
  • alliance of democratic forces for the liberation of congo-zaire


        解放:    liberate; emancipate
        刚果:    Congo
        刚果解放运动:    movement for the liberation of the congo
        刚果解放阵线:    front de liberation du congo
        刚果民族解放运动:    mouvement national pour la liberation du congo
        刚果:    congo (people's republic of, 国名, 在非洲中西部)◇刚果河 the congo (river); 刚果人 congolese; 刚果野牛 congo buffalo; 刚果语 congolese (language)
        解放:    liberate; emancipate 解放后 after liberation; 解放区 liberated area; 解放区工会 trade unions in the liberated area; 解放生产力 liberate the productive forces; emancipate the productive forces; unfetter the productive forces; unleash inhibited [pent-up] productivity; 解放思想 emancipate the mind; free oneself from old ideas; emancipate one's thinking; 解放前 before liberation; 把妇女从受歧视的待遇中解放出来 emancipate women from discriminative treatment; 获得最后解放 achieve final emancipation; 这部新机器将把我们从繁重劳动中解放出来。 this new machine will emancipate us from the hard work
        刚果[语:    congolese
        刚果(域名):    cg congo
        刚果簿:    crimean hemorrhagic fever virus
        刚果河:    congo river
        刚果红:    congo copal; congo red; congo rubrum; congo-red; rubrum congo
        刚果黄:    congo yellow
        刚果胶:    congo copal; congo gum
        刚果金:    congo
        刚果蓝:    congo blue
        刚果人:    congolese; congos; kikongo
        刚果石:    congolite
        刚果素:    congocidine
        刚果烯:    congolene
        刚果燕:    congo swallow
        刚果语:    Congolese
        刚果镇:    congo town
        刚果脂:    congo ester
        刚果棕:    congo brown


  1. "解放斗争"英文
  2. "解放儿童"英文
  3. "解放伐"英文
  4. "解放法"英文
  5. "解放非洲协调委员会"英文
  6. "解放高棉"英文
  7. "解放革命指挥部"英文
  8. "解放广播电台"英文
  9. "解放广场"英文
  10. "解放和发展生产力"英文


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