

发音:   用"解强调"造句
  • de-emphasis
  • :    understand; see
  • 强调:    stress; emphasize; lay stres ...
  • 强调:    stress; emphasize; lay stress on; underline 强调指出 point out emphatically; 强调说明 declare; 不适当地强调情况特殊 lay undue stress on special circumstances; 强调重点 lay stress on the importance; 强调意见 an emphatic opinion; 强调科学技术的重要作用 emphasize the important role of science and technology; 强调成分 intensifier
  • 分解强度:    decomposition intensity
  • 有机质分解强度:    decomposition intensity of organic substances


        :    understand; see
        强调:    stress; emphasize; lay stres ...
        强调:    stress; emphasize; lay stress on; underline 强调指出 point out emphatically; 强调说明 declare; 不适当地强调情况特殊 lay undue stress on special circumstances; 强调重点 lay stress on the importance; 强调意见 an emphatic opinion; 强调科学技术的重要作用 emphasize the important role of science and technology; 强调成分 intensifier
        分解强度:    decomposition intensity
        有机质分解强度:    decomposition intensity of organic substances
        标点;强调:    punctuation
        不强调:    deemphasiss
        和强调:    emphasized
        后强调:    post-emphasis
        家(强调):    house and home
        坚持,强调:    insist
        强调 着重:    stress v
        强调,突出:    highlight
        强调,重读:    lay emphasis on; lay emphasis upon; place emphasis on; place emphasis upon; put emphasis on; put emphasis upon
        强调,着重:    emphasize
        强调的:    emphatic; pointed
        强调地:    emphatically; in a big way
        强调符:    bullet
        强调器:    accentuator
        强调人:    that/who
        强调色:    accent color; accent colour
        强调说:    emphasize
        强调玩:    go boating
        与强调:    generalizations and emphasis
        预强调:    preemphasis


  1. "解谱"英文
  2. "解歧见"英文
  3. "解气"英文
  4. "解铅乐"英文
  5. "解铅乐 依地酸二钠钙"英文
  6. "解氢酶"英文
  7. "解清"英文
  8. "解曲"英文
  9. "解取向"英文
  10. "解取向聚合物"英文


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