解决: solve; resolve; settle抱怨: complain; grumble; murmur at的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...谈判: negotiations; talks; negotia ...抱怨的: querulous爱抱怨的人: cry baby; grumbler抱怨的人: the man whcompiains哭著抱怨的: grizzling or inclined to grizzle协助质量经理解决客户抱怨的质量问题: assist quality manager to handle the customer complaints艰难的谈判: 35.a tough negotiation; br /34.a tough negotiation真诚的谈判: good faith bargaining真正的谈判: genuine negociation最后的谈判: ultima ratio不错呀!没啥好抱怨的: i can’t complain / i have nothing to complain about你没什么可抱怨的: you've got nothing to complain about对非烟民抱怨的答复: responding to a nonsmokers complaintt所以放弃抱怨的原因: so quit my whining cause他是一个爱抱怨的人: he is a grumbler不妥协的谈判者: tough negotiator工资的谈判理论: bargaining theory of wages较强的谈判能力: strong negotiation skills旷日持久的谈判: long drawn out negotiations难对付的谈判者: tough negotiator问题解决谈判: problem solving in negotiating抱怨解决不了问题: complaining doesn't solve problems