

发音:   用"角力学校"造句
  • palaestra
  • 角力:    have a trial of strength; wr ...
  • 学校:    school; educational institut ...
  • 角力:    have a trial of strength; wrestle 与某人角力 wrestle with sb
  • 电力学校:    electric power school
  • 动力学校正:    kinetic proofreading




        角力:    have a trial of strength; wr ...
        学校:    school; educational institut ...
        角力:    have a trial of strength; wrestle 与某人角力 wrestle with sb
        电力学校:    electric power school
        动力学校正:    kinetic proofreading
        角力桥:    bridge
        角力台:    platform
        福建水利电力学校:    fujian water conservancy and electric power school
        志永智勇电力学校:    power school
        国家学校领导力学院:    ncsl
        在学校里更努力学习:    work harder in school
        古典式角力:    greco-roman wrestling
        零迎角力矩:    moment for zero angle of attack
        切削直角力:    schnitt-normalkraft cutting perpendicular force
        情欲角力:    l ennui
        与某人角力:    wrestle with sb
        学校:    school; educational institution 学校办工厂 schools establishing factories; 半日制学校 half-day school; 工业学校 school of technology; 高等学校 institution of higher learning; 函授学校 correspondence school; 护士学校 nurses' training school; nursing school; 聋哑学校 school for deaf-mutes; 盲人学校 school for the blind; 全日制正规学校 full-time regular school; 少年业余体育学校 youth spare-time sports school; youth amateur athletic school; 师范学校 teachers' school; normal school; 业余学校 spare-time school; 幼儿师范学校 school for kindergarten teachers; 职业学校 vocational school; 中等专业学校 secondary specialized school; 中等技术学校 secondary technical school; 重点学校 key school; 专业学校 specialized school; 学校学成年数 school years completed; 学校教育 school education; 学校图书馆 school library; 学校组织管理 management and organization of school
        力学:    mechanics 波动力学 wave mechanics; 地质力学 geologic mechanics; 经典力学 classical mechanics; 理论力学 theoretical mechanics; 空气(动) 力学 air mechanics; 分析力学 analytic mechanics; 应用力学 applied mechanics; 原子力学 atom mechanics; 原子的量子力学 atomic quantum mechanics; 成穴力学 cavitation mechanics; 空泡(空蚀) 力学 cavitation mechanics; 天体力学 celestial mechanics; 经典流体力学 classical fluid mechanics; 经典统计力学 classical statistical mechanics; 连续介质力学 continuity mechanics; 破碎力学 crushing mechanics; 弹性力学 elastic mechanics; 电流体力学 electrofluid mechanics; 工程力学 engineering mechanics; 气体力学 gas mechanics; 遗传性力学 hereditary mechanics; 线性断裂力学 linear fracture mechanics; 宏观断裂力学 macro fracture mechanics; 矩阵力学 [量子] matrix mechanics; 舰船结构力学 naval structural mechanics; 非相对论性量子力学 [量子] nonrelativistic quantum mechanics; 质点力学 particle mechanics; 塑性力学 plastic mechanics; 量子力学 quantum mechanics; 相对论力学 relativistic mechanics; 继电器力学 relay mechanics; 岩石力学 rock ; 银行业务力学 mechanics of banking; 机械力学 mechanics of machinery; 材料力学 mechanics of materials; 刚体力学 mechanics of rigid bodies; 列车运行力学 mechanics of train movement; 湍流力学 mechanics of turbulence; 断裂力学 fracture mechanics; 流体力学 fluid mechanics; 生物力学 biomechanics
        蛮荒西部角力赛:    wild west wrestle
        雅各与天使角力:    jacob wrestling the angel
        动力学;力学:    dynamics
        casterton学校:    casterton school
        taunton学校:    taunton school
        办学校:    run a school
        从学校:    beget backhome from schoolcollegeuniversitysity



  1. "角粒砂"英文
  2. "角粒沙"英文
  3. "角力"英文
  4. "角力桥"英文
  5. "角力台"英文
  6. "角力者的证言表明他有大量房地产"英文
  7. "角连合核"英文
  8. "角连合束"英文
  9. "角连接头"英文
  10. "角连缀"英文


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