视: look at锥: awl awl-shaped things系统: system的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...换: exchange; barter; trade能: ability; capability; skill作用: act on; affect和: mix; blend颜色: pigment; dyestuff视觉: vision; visual sense; sense ...四、视锥系统的换能作用和颜色视觉: cones and color vision感受器的换能作用: transduction of receptor颜色视觉: color vision; colour vision换能作用: transduction颜色视觉理论: theories of color vision德氏颜色视觉测验: dvorine color vision test颜色视觉不正常: color vision deviant颜色视觉阶段说: stage theory of color vision红色视锥: red cones绿色视锥: green cones耳蜗的感音换能作用: signal transmission in the cochlea色视觉: [光学] colour vision和颜色分割: palette knife渐变和颜色: gradient or color名称和颜色: name and color