规范: standard; norm; specificatio ...和: mix; blend标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...制定: lay down; draw up; formulate ...措施: measure; step规范和标准: codes and standards抗震规范和标准: seismic codes and standards现行规范和标准: applicable codes and standards应按现行规范和标准: shall be in accordance with current codes and standards标准制定局: cfp标准制定组织: sdo事实上的标准制定: de facto standard setting财务策划标准制定局: financial planning standards board (fpsb)影像标准制定委员会: motion picture experts grou mpeg法定措施: statutory measure标准制: standard system制定措施以确保生产安全及消除潜在隐患: carry out the regulations to keep production safety and eliminate the potential un-safety内在稳定措施: built-in control of the money supply; built-in stabilizer物价稳定措施: valorization规范和监督: regulation and supervision国家标准制定程序的阶段划分及代码: stage division and code of procedure for development of national standards标准制订者: standard setters标准制剂: standard preparation标准制式: standard system标准制造: standard manufacture; standard manufacturing; standard production