

发音:   用"观测天体"造句
  • take an observation


        观测:    observe; observation; viewin ...
        天体:    celestial body; heavenly bod ...
        观测天文:    observational astronomy
        观测天文学:    observational astronomy
        观测天象:    observe the heavenly bodies
        目测天体亮度:    visual astrophotometry
        天体观测:    astronomical observation; celestial observation; observing the cosmos
        天体观测窗:    astrodome
        天体观测群:    round of sights
        天体观测室:    astrodome
        天体观测线:    stellar line
        天体观测仪:    astrolabe
        地面观测天文学:    ground-based astronomy
        高能观测天文台:    high-energy astronomical observatory (heao)
        天体观测卫星:    celestial observation satellite; oao
        测天:    astronomical sight; observation; sokuten
        古代的天体观测仪:    astrolabe
        梅西耶天体观测马拉松:    messier marathon field guide
        史密森天体物理观测台:    smithsonian astrophysical observatory
        天体:    celestial body; heavenly body; world; aster; astrodome; ball; star◇天体测量 uranometry; astrometry; 天体导航 coelonavigation; stellar guidance; 天体力学 celestial mechanics; mechanical astronomy; 天体物理学 astrophysics; 天体演化 cosmogony; 天体演化学 cosmogony; 天体照相仪 [天文学] astrograph; 天体自转 celestial bodies rotation
        测天表:    astronomical watch; deck watch
        测天图:    uranometria
        观测:    observe; observation; viewing 观测气象 make weather observations; 对 ... 作仔细的观测 make a careful observation of ...; 观测天体 take an observation; 观测报告 observation report; 观测点 observation point; observing point; 观测读数 observed reading; 观测队 an expedition of observation; 观测高度 observed altitude; 观测机 observation aeroplane; 观测计 sight gauge; 观测井 inspection well; 观测孔 aperture of sight; observation port; 观测平台 observation platform; 观测器 observer; sight; 观测区 area of observation coverage; 观测哨 observation post; observation point; 观测室 sight chamber; observing cage; 观测数据 observation data; observed data; 观测台 measuring platform; observatory; observing station; 观测天文(学) observational astronomy; 观测望远镜 scope; 观测误差 error in observation; error of observation; malobservation; observation error; 观测线 line of observation; 观测仪 visualizer; 观测资料 observational data
        被测天线:    tested antenna
        不同时测天:    double sight


  1. "观测所的普热得瑞"英文
  2. "观测塔"英文
  3. "观测台"英文
  4. "观测台工作"英文
  5. "观测台网"英文
  6. "观测天文"英文
  7. "观测天文学"英文
  8. "观测天象"英文
  9. "观测条件"英文
  10. "观测透镜"英文


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