要素: essential factor; key elemen ...移动: shift; move后果: consequence; aftermath要素移动: factor movements同位素移动: isotope shift像素移动: pixel shifting光谱同位素移动: spectroscopic isotope shift分子光谱同位素移动: isotope shift of molecular spectrum环境放射性核素移动: movement of environmental radioactive nuclide滚动条移动后的值: value守门员移动后防守的地方: deep注视移动后被加重的眼震: nystagmus enhanced when fixation removed注视移动后被抑制的眼震: nystagmus inhibited when fixation removed注视移动后不改变的眼震: nystagmus unchanged when fixation removed生产要素国际移动: international transfer of production后果: consequence; aftermath 对后果负责 answer for the consequence; 前因后果 cause and effect; 我愿意承担后果。 i'm willing to accept the consequences. 后果不堪设想。 the consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate. 这一步骤带来了许多严重的后果。 this step involved many fateful consequences要素: essential factor; key element; part; element; factor色素移行: pigment migration同位素移位: isotope shift起动后: post-start后果, 结果: in the result后果的: sequential后果论: consquentialism后裔;后果: offspring将后果: the risks. / the formalities