要求: ask; demand; require; claim; ...对半儿分: divide half-and-half; go hal ...对半儿分: go halves对半儿利: a double profit要求对方停止抱怨: asking someone to stop complaining要求对方整改函: letterto anotherparty requesting forthe remedy ofa breach要求对汽车服务: asking for service of the car要求对物的归还: repetitio rei; repetitiorei对半: 1.(各半) half-and-half; fifty-fifty 对半儿分 divide half-and-half; go halves; 要求对半儿分 cry halves2.(一倍) double 对半儿利 a double profit; 对半检索 [计算机] binary search; binsearch; 对半检索法 binary search method; 对半嵌接 scarfing half and half订货并要求对方迅速发货: sending an order, demanding a prompt delivery两半儿: two halves; in half; in two 把西瓜切成两半儿 cut a watermelon in half; 把它切成准确的两半儿。 cut it into two exact halves. 只有一块蛋糕, 但我们把它切成两半儿。 there was only one piece of cake, but we cut it in two一半儿: yi ban er我要求对我的问题作出明确的答复: i want a distinct answer to my question要求对发动机进行一次检查: to call for an examination of engine要求对物业管理的法律法规比较了解: property manaagement regulations &law也可直截了当地要求对方降价: cut the price lower the price reduce the price仪式来要求对手接管其家族: brek'tal不求对: i am afraid of snakes对半的: dimidiate; fifty-fifty对半分!: fifty-fifty对半柱: paired pilasters两对半: two double and half胎儿分割器: somatome诉求对象: target audience胎儿分叶状肾: fetal lobulation of kidney