的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...快要死的: have one foot in the grave注定要死的: fey不活动,将要死的: moribund不怕死的人: daredevil垂死的人: a dying man临死的人: croaker已死的人: the dead those who have died表示淹死的人: a drowned man将被烧死的人: uomo da bruciare快要淹死的人: a drowning man睡得很死的人: a heavy sleeper ie one who is difficult to wake花环下面那个快要死的聋子喘不过气来: beneath the wreath the deaf man near death is out of breath要死的像个英雄一样升天去吧: die a hero go to heaven表示快要淹死的人: note: a drowning man可致死的人或物: genocide * patricide. person or thing that kills留下遗嘱而死的人: testate死的: dead and turned to clay; deathly; defunct; lifeless; necrosis; out for the count; space characteristics dead酒神淹死的人比海神多: bad news has wings快死的人还可以移动): migrant为临死的人主持临终仪式: administer the last rites to a dying man快要死: be at death’s door艾米丽 一个被杀死的人,凶杀案被害人: emily成功地使那些几乎淹死的人复苏: successfully resuscitate those who have been nearly drowned