要好: be on good terms; be close f ...做练习: do exercises呀: ah; oh做练习,锻炼: do some exercise做做练习: practise但你要好好的: but u'll be alright now sugar你要好好地对我: that you treat me right我想要好好把握: i wanna have control我要好好回家一趟: oh, well i'm going home,我要好好教训你: i'm going to wear you out要好好拥抱,永远珍惜: someone to touch, to cherish for life也要好好的感谢: onerepubliconerepublic珍妮弗洛佩兹好好做: jennifer lopez do it well女孩,你要好好的爱你的男人: girl you gotta love your man人生苦短,要好好珍惜时间: life is short and time is swift所以死之前要好好活一次: so let me live before i die因为我发誓要好好照顾你: because i promised to take good care of you这地板要好好冲洗一下: the floor needs a good wash要好: 1.(感情融洽) be on good terms; be close friends 他们俩认识后一直很要好。 the two of them have been close friends ever since they knew.2.(要求上进) eager to improve oneself; try hard to make progress 这孩子很要好。 the kid is eager to make progress从这儿以后我们要好好学习: from now on we'll study hard因为我的朋友都叫我要好好的把握: because my friends ask me to hold it well这地板需要好好地擦洗一番: this floor needs a good scrub好好: nicely最好做: had better do sth和…要好: keecompany with