In 1997 , xilong mountain was approved as provincial natural reserve 西隆山2000年被列入国家级自然保护区。
Xilong mountain ( 22 26 36 22 46 01 n , 102 32 36 103 04 50 e ) , with the peak 3 074 . 3 m above sea level , is the highest mountain in southeast yunnan 西隆山是滇南最高峰,最高海拔3074 . 3m ,跨越中越两国边境线。
The glyph is " a combination of the greek epsilon , as a sign of the weight of european civilization ; an e for europe ; and the parallel lines crossing through standing for the stability of the euro " 欧元符号是希腊语字母第五字厄普西隆、 e和两条平行线的结合,分别象征欧洲文明、欧洲和欧元稳定。
Hieron won this race b . c . 472 , while at the height of his power at syracuse . probably the ode was sung at syracuse , perhaps , as has been suggested , at a banquet 西隆在公元前472的比赛中赢得这次比赛,同时也达到他在锡拉库扎权力的顶峰。这首颂歌也许是在锡拉库扎吟唱,也许象曾经说的那样是在宴会上演唱。
But the number of species actually distributed in the mountain is higher . 5 vegetation types were found in the mountain , they are : mountane rain forest , monsoon evergreen broad - leaved forest , mountane mossy evergreen broad - leaved forest , mountane top mossy thicket and secondary vegetation 在西隆山分布的植被类型有5种:山地雨林、季风常绿阔叶林、山地苔藓常绿阔叶林、山顶苔藓矮林和次生植被。