

发音:   用"西湖龙井茶"造句
  • west lake dragon well tea
  • westlakelongjingtea
  • 西湖:    the West Lake
  • 龙井茶:    longjing tea; Dragon Well te ...
  • 西湖龙井:    xihu longjing tea (green tea)
  • 龙井茶:    dragon well green tea; dragon well tea; longjiang tea; longjing cha; longjing tea; loungjing tea
  • 杭州龙井茶:    podocarpus fleuryi hickel


  1. Mainly operating the " dragon vision , " a series of licensing west lake longjing tea is the national tourism companies producing commodities , " the state gifts tea " sentinel units
    主要经营“龙泓”牌西湖龙井茶系列,是全国旅游商品定点生产企业、 “国家礼品茶”定点承办单位。
  2. Hangzhou dragonwell tea limited debuted located in the beautiful scenery of the west . as compared with the " west lake longjing tea " - - the origin of hangzhou xihu township
    杭州御茗茶叶有限公司座落在风景秀丽的西子湖西侧,驰名中外的“西湖龙井茶”的原产地? ?杭州市西湖乡。
  3. The company has fixed assets many yuan 3000 , existing employee 300 much people , the company is located in beauty on the west child lakefront : the birthplace of tea of west lake dragon well tea - - town of a depressed place of dragon of west lake area , communication is easy , the environment is beautiful
    公司拥有固定资产3000多万元,现有员工300多人,公司位于美丽的西子湖畔:西湖龙井茶的故乡? ?西湖区龙坞镇,交通便利,环境优美。



  1. "西湖活鱼"英文
  2. "西湖景色"英文
  3. "西湖景色瑰丽"英文
  4. "西湖里"英文
  5. "西湖龙井"英文
  6. "西湖美景"英文
  7. "西湖牛肉豆腐羹"英文
  8. "西湖牛肉羹"英文
  9. "西湖区"英文
  10. "西湖区风景名胜区"英文


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