Determinate method for base plank thickness of tall structure with annex 带裙房高层建筑基础筏板厚度确定方法
Design of sparse pile foundation of high - rise building with podium under complicated geological conditions 复杂地质条件下带裙房高层建筑疏桩基础设计
Below the podium , the tower accommodates technical operations ? the digital heart of the stock exchange 裙房下方的塔楼区域容纳了所有的技术操作,是整个证券交易所的? ?中心。
The skirt building adopts all - air system , the guest rooms adopt fan - coil unit plus fresh air system , and the water system is four - pipe type 裙房采用全空气系统,客房采用风机盘管新风系统,空调水系统采用四管制。
Add : no . 99 zhonglieci xi street , qingyang district , chengdu 2km away from city center , 5km away from the railway station , 18km away from the airport -酒店地上共设38层6层裙房,是目前成都酒店业建筑之最,地下3层,建筑面积57000平方米。
裙: skirt房: house裙海扇属: limipecten裙带资本主义: crony capitalism裙架: skirt rack裙带经济: crony economy裙礁: apron reef; fringing reef裙带官: a wan who obtains his official position through petticoat influence裙脚捆条: skirt binding裙带关系: nepotism; petticoat influence 通过裙带关系 with the help of one's female relatives; through petticoat influence 裙脚线槽: skirting trunking裙带风: hang on to your relatives; nepotism; petticoat influence; petticoat influence