裔: descendants; posterity自然: nature; natural world学: study; learn家史: family history代: take the place of; be in pla ...芬: sweet smell; fragrance a sur ...超自然学院: hjemve科学家史丹利: steven standley瑞典保护自然学会: swedish society for the conservation of nature色觉自然学说,三色论: physical theory of colour vision家史: family history 一本用血泪写成的家史 a family history written in blood and tears倪敏博士(自然学会主席): geh min (dr)英国演化论哲学家史宾塞: herbert spencer自然法学家: naturalists自然科学家: hard scientist; natturufraedingurinn; natural science; physicist自然哲学家: natural philosophy肖代芬: xiao daifen自然资源保护学家: conservationist家史郎: ieshiro偶然学习: contingency learning; incidental learning史代波中心: staples center史代克豪斯: jerry stackhouse史代普斯: walter staples史代塔中心: stata center代芬贝克: john diefenbaker