

  • rar


        装修:    fit up
        内容:    content; substance
        详细:    detailed; minute; circumstan ...
        讲解:    explain; interpret; expound
        装修内部:    furnish
        细想;详细讲述:    dwell on
        详细讲述:    account of
        详细内容:    details
        显示详细内容:    show details
        详细内容查看:    vip
        详细内容后告:    details to follows
        讲解:    explain; interpret; expound 讲解难句 explain difficult sentences; 讲解员 guide; interpreter; [体育] announcer
        装修:    1.(在房屋工程上安装东西) fit up 装修门面 fit up the front of a shop2.(安装上的设备) fixtures; trim; 装修材料 finishing material; 装修工 upfitter; 装修机具 finishing equipment
        详情随后邮寄 详细内容后告:    detailstofollow
        详细:    detailed; minute; circumstantial; explicit 详细的报告 a detailed report; 详细的记述 detailed account; 详细情节 detailed circumstances; ins and outs; 详细叙述 saga; 详细讲述 dwell on [upon]; 详细讨论 bat; 详细审计 detailed audit; 详细条款 detailed provisions; 详细描述 give a minute description; 详细了解情况 acquire detailed knowledge of the situation; 详细说明 explain at some length; 详细占有材料 collect all the available material; have all the relevant data at one's fingertips; 详细描写 write up; 欲知详细情况, 请致函本公司分店。 for further details, please write to our branch office. 请扼要地告诉我发生了什么事情, 不必讲得太详细。 please tell me what happened in a few words, don't go into details.; 详细记录 detail record; 详细说明 detailed description; 详细资料 particulars
        修内端凸轮:    endrem
        修内里机:    lining trimming machine; linking tape; trimming machine for insole lining
        修内司官窑:    xiuneisiofficialware
        内容组成,详细的组织机构和集会:    content components, detailed organization and assembly
        讲解室:    briefing office
        讲解员:    announcer; briefing officer; expostor; guide; narrator
        讲解者:    docent; exponent
        内容:    content; substance 有丰富的内容 have substantial content; 内容丰富 be rich in content; 内容与形式 content and form; 内容分析 content analysis; 内容提要 synopsis; resume
        初装修:    initial decoration
        木装修:    joiner's work


  1. "装修论坛"英文
  2. "装修煤气管的工人"英文
  3. "装修门面"英文
  4. "装修木工"英文
  5. "装修内部"英文
  6. "装修抛光"英文
  7. "装修铺面"英文
  8. "装修设计家具图形库"英文
  9. "装修设计三维建模软件"英文
  10. "装修设计中心"英文


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