- interstice
- 裂缝: rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rif ...
- 空隙: interval
- 空隙: 1.(时间上的) interval 在工作空隙时间 in the intervals of business; 战斗空隙 intervals of fighting; interval between battles2.(空间上的) gap; space; clearance; separation; air-gap (ag); slot; [铸件] allowance; chasm; lash; yawn; rift; clear; lacuna; interspace 填补空隙 fill up a gap
- 存在于地壳岩石裂缝或工壤空隙中的水: ground water
- 裂缝: 1.(裂开的缝儿) rent; rip; hiatus; tear; rift; crevice; crack; fissure 岩石的裂缝 crevices in a rock; 弥合裂缝 span a rift; 地上的裂缝 a fissure in the ground2.[地质学] fracture; rupture