The occurrence of odd-parity shape oscillations in the saddle-point spectrum plays an important role in the interpretation of asymmetry and anisotropy in the fission process . 在裂变过程中,解释非对称性和非各向同性时,奇宇称形状振荡在鞍点谱中起主要作用。
In the fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive 在裂变过程中,裂变碎片具有强烈的放射性。
The fission process produces a large amount of energy for power generation 在这裂变过程中会产生大量能量,供发电之用。
Petroleum distillates are a huge category that includes thousands of products . in fact , the term refers to anything that comes from the distillation , or cracking process , of petroleum crude oil 石油蒸馏物是一个范围很大的种类,包括上千种产品。实际上,它是指原油的蒸馏或裂变过程。