The process mechanism of tar cracking was investigated in kinetics view , in which a five - lump kinetic model was erected . the whole tar was divided into five lumps of different kinetic behavior in cracking process , and the kinetic parameters used to construct the kinetic model of each lump was achieved by optimally fitting experiment data 在从动力学角度研究焦油催化裂化过程中,采用集总的思想将整体焦油划分为具有不同动力学行为的五个集总,集总中的各组分的动力学行为都由集总来代表。
Much information was achieved by analysis of different kind of tar samples , including the production and evolution of tar in gasification process , the variation of tar composition under catalytic or thermal cracking conditions . and the mechanism of tar cracking was discussed in - depth with the variation of tar composition under different cracking conditions 对多种焦油进行分析,获得了大量焦油构成信息,并以此对生物质气化过程中焦油的产生和变化情况、催化裂化或热裂化过程中焦油组分的变化情况、以及裂化过程参数对焦油组分和焦油量的影响进行了深入的机理性分析。
Tar content in the gas was influenced by the gasification conditions , such as the gasification temperature , residence time of feedstock in the gasifier and the type of feedstock , which can help us to investigate the mechanism of tar production in gasification process . catalytic cracking of tar was performed in a downstream secondary fixed - bed cracker with dolomite , limestone and alumina brick as catalysts . by comparison , thermal cracking of tar was also performed with silica carbide 在固定床二级催化裂化反应器上,实验了白云石、石灰石、高铝砖等几种催化剂作用下的焦油催化裂化过程以及炭化硅作用下的热裂化过程,并对裂化温度( 650 950 ) 、气相停留时间( 0 . 5 1s )和催化剂类型等过程参数对焦油转化效果和热解煤气的影响进行了分析,对各种催化剂材料的性能进行了比较,力争开发出可适用于工业化生物质气化系统的焦油催化裂化技术。
The results reveal that the five - lump model can work with only the compositional information of the raw tar as the input parameters , and it can be used to predict the results of different cracking conditions and the final composition of residual tar . the simulation of the cracking process was satisfying 结果表明,五集总模型的应用可独立于焦油的来源和性质,对焦油转化过程动力学行为描述的准确度明显高于整体转化模型,且该模型不仅对裂化过程进行动力学模拟和结果预测,还可给出转化后焦油的构成等重要信息。