被: quilt的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...世界遗产: unesco world heritage; world heritage sites世界遗产地: world heritage sites世界遗产奖: world legacy awards世界遗产局: world heritage bureau使英国真正被列入世界运动主办国的行列: to put the uk well and truly on the map濒危世界遗产: list of world heritage sites in danger波兰世界遗产: world heritage sites in poland德国世界遗产: world heritage sites in germany法国世界遗产: world heritage sites in france非洲世界遗产: list of world heritage sites in africa美国世界遗产: world heritage sites in the united states美洲世界遗产: list of world heritage sites in the americas欧洲世界遗产: list of world heritage sites in europe日本世界遗产: world heritage sites in japan世界遗产保护: world heritage protection世界遗产大会: world heritage site世界遗产公约: world heritage convention世界遗产基金: world heritage fund世界遗产列表: list of world heritage sites in asia and australasia世界遗产名录: world heritage site世界遗产目录: world heritage list希腊世界遗产: world heritage sites in greece印度世界遗产: world heritage sites in india