A new kind of optical waveguide and its application in optical attenuator 一种新型光波导及其在光衰耗器中的应用
Standard test method for measuring load induced subsidence of an intervertebral body fusion device under static axial compression 测量在静态轴向压缩下椎间体融接器件的负载引发衰耗的标准试验方法
Yang qixun . distribution automation and its realization in china [ j ] , ieee international conference on electricity distribution , shanghai , 2000 焦邵华,刘万顺等.配电网线路故障时的载波通道衰耗分析[ j ] .电力系统自动化, 2000 ( 9 )
It point out the resolving methods of the high frequency communication characteristic and its attenuation of the distribution network are the new research field 指出电网的高频通信特性及其抗干扰、抗衰耗对策是独立于高性能载波芯片的研究领域。
In other way , the telephone line expander which has many characteristics just as the little of declination , the far distance of communication , the convenience of using and protecting can transmit tone signal directly and is suitable for the performance of telephone line 同时,电话线路扩容器直接传输音频信号,适合电话线路特性,具备衰耗及串音小,通话质量好和通信距离远,使用及维护简便等优点,具有广泛的应用前景和使用价值。