In this system , mean velocity pipe is applied to transform the air velocity signal into pressure difference signal , and then the pressure difference signal is input into pressure difference transmitter to realize the transform of the pressure difference signal from non - electricity signal to electric current , and through the resistance in the corresponding sampling circuit the electric current is transformed into voltage signal ; the thermocouple is used as the primary element to realize the transform from temperature signal to the voltage signal ; under the control of communication agreement module , diversified voltage signal is transported into computer by way of a / d conversion module , and then the monitoring software compiled beforehand is transferred to deal with all the voltage signals relatively , the result of which is conveyed to relative interface to display 该装置具有三个特点:一是采用表面式测温方法,有效地减少了元件的维护与损耗;二是采用工业控制计算机及信息就地采集、数据总线传输的方式,充分利用计算机和数据自动采集方面的技术,实现各种参数的在线测量,监测指标全面,能与dcs系统联用,具有技术先进性和一定的前瞻性;三是采用显示器配工业触摸屏的显示方式,为现场运行人员提供了简单、易学、方便的操作模式。本装置自2001年8月投入运行以来,有效地帮助、指导运行人员进行燃烧调整,对于锅炉和机组的安全、经济运行发挥了重要作用。