Obviously , the spindle rotations required to achieve these surface cutting speeds are directly related to the diameter of the tools being used 显然,获得这表面切削速度所要求的主轴转速直接与使用的刀具直径有关。
Grinding wheel continues with an infinite number of hard , sharp and refractory grits on edge surface at a high speed of swing operation to cut and grind over the surface of work piece , and unceasing self - sharpening grains and pore continue to grind a tool for every kind of material 砂轮是经由高速回转运作中,以其在外缘表面植无数上千万之硬锐耐温之小磨粒连续在工作物表面切削磨除,且不断的自生锐利颗粒与磨屑空隙气孔,继续对各种材料做磨削工作的一种研磨工具。