

发音:   用"表里关系"造句
  • exterior-interior relationship
  • exterior-jinterior relationship
  • 表里:    the outside and the inside; ...
  • 关系:    relation; filiation; relatio ...
  • 邻里关系:    br /neighborhood relationship; neighborhood relationship
  • 表里:    1.(内外) the outside and the inside; one's outward show and inner thoughts2.[中医] (表证和里证及其相互关系) exterior and interior◇表里双解 relieving exterior-interior syndrome; 表里双解剂 exterior-interior relieving prescription; 表里同病 exterior-interior concurrent disease
  • 脏腑间的表里属络关系:    exterior-interior and fu-organs


  1. With the exception of the gallbladder , they have no exterior - interior relationships
  2. The liver meridian connects with the gallbladder to form an exteriorinterior relationship
  3. The lung and the large intestine form an exterior - interior relationship by mutual connections of their meridians
  4. The kidney and urinary bladder , like the other zang - fu organs , form an exterior - interior relationship through their meridians
  5. The exterior - interior relationship of the twelve meridians not only strengthen the connection between each specific pair of meridians with exterion - interior relationship , but also promote each pair of zang - fu with the exterior - interior relationship to coordinate each other physiologically and influence each other pathologically


        表里:    the outside and the inside; ...
        关系:    relation; filiation; relatio ...
        邻里关系:    br /neighborhood relationship; neighborhood relationship
        表里:    1.(内外) the outside and the inside; one's outward show and inner thoughts2.[中医] (表证和里证及其相互关系) exterior and interior◇表里双解 relieving exterior-interior syndrome; 表里双解剂 exterior-interior relieving prescription; 表里同病 exterior-interior concurrent disease
        脏腑间的表里属络关系:    exterior-interior and fu-organs
        八里关:    baliguan
        表里,中外:    internal and external
        表里传:    endotransmission of superficial syndrome
        表里经:    externally-internally related channels
        表里辨证:    syndrome differentiation of exterior and interior
        表里不一:    speak and act in one way but actually aim at sth. quite different; have two faces; the outside and the inside are not in agreement.; think in one way and behave in another
        表里传变:    transmission between interior and exterior
        表里倒置地:    the wrong side out
        表里分消:    eliminating pathogens by diaphoresis and purgation respectively
        表里俱寒:    cold in both exterior and interior
        表里俱寒证:    syndrome of cold in both exterior and interior
        表里俱热:    heat in both exterior and interior
        表里俱热证:    syndrome of heat in both exterior and interior
        表里俱实:    internal-external sthenia
        表里俱虚:    internal-external asthenia
        表里配穴:    the combination of exterior-interior points
        表里配穴法:    exterior-interior point association; internal-external compatibility of acupoints
        表里如一:    be the same outside and inside; conformity of profession and conduct; external appearance corresponds to inside.; one's deeds accord with one's words; one's inner and outer selves are in harmony; the external corresponds with the internal.; think and act in one and the same way; what one says and does corresponds with what is in one's mind
        表里山河:    situated at the foot of a hill and beside a river; strategically located and difficult of access
        表里受敌:    be attacked by the enemy from without and within


  1. "表里不一,华而不实"英文
  2. "表里传"英文
  3. "表里传变"英文
  4. "表里倒置地"英文
  5. "表里分消"英文
  6. "表里经"英文
  7. "表里俱寒"英文
  8. "表里俱寒证"英文
  9. "表里俱热"英文
  10. "表里俱热证"英文


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