

发音:   用"表达歉意"造句
  • making an apology
  • 表达:    deliver; express; show; voic ...
  • 歉意:    apology; regret; sorry
  • 我正式表达歉意:    formally say sorry
  • 歉意:    apology; regret; sorry 表示歉意 offer an apology; express one's regret; 不能奉约, 谨致歉意。 please accept my apologies at having to refuse
  • 歉意的:    apo-log-ize apologetic


  1. Love is not only to express feelings , and say sorry is not only to express apology
  2. Learning to apologize in another language does not excuse speakers from practicing the same good manners in their mother tongue
  3. I would like now to apologise to all the people for all thesuffering that has been caused and the problems that have arisen fromthis
  4. The signatories said they appreciated the pope ' s expressions of sorrow over the reaction to his address in germany last month ? in which he mentioned ( without endorsing ) a medieval claim that islam brought nothing new but violence


        表达:    deliver; express; show; voic ...
        歉意:    apology; regret; sorry
        我正式表达歉意:    formally say sorry
        歉意:    apology; regret; sorry 表示歉意 offer an apology; express one's regret; 不能奉约, 谨致歉意。 please accept my apologies at having to refuse
        歉意的:    apo-log-ize apologetic
        表达:    deliver; express; show; voice; convey; communicate 非语言所能表达 can't be conveyed by words; 无法表达 beyond expression; 充分表达我自己的感情 adequately express my sentiment; 清楚有力地表达自己的意见 express oneself clearly and forcibly; 口头表达 express verbally; 用英语表达思想 express oneself in english; 表达人民的美好愿望 voice the good wishes of the people; 我们对你的感激难以用语言表达。 words can hardly express our gratitude to you.; 表达单位 ceneme; 表达单位学 cenematics; 表达法 [计算机] representation; mode of expression; 表达力 expressiveness; power of expression; 表达子 [生物学] expressor
        表示歉意:    offer an apologyexpress one's regret
        深表歉意:    very sorry
        忘决歉意:    forget regret
        致上衷心歉意:    tender our apology
        必须向他们示歉意:    he offered me dollars for that television
        不能奉约谨致歉意:    please accept my apologies at having to refuse
        对此我深表歉意:    and i am sorry for everything
        谦卑的,充满歉意的:    apologetic
        要向某人表示歉意:    owe sb. apology
        因此别奢求歉意:    so expect no apologies
        pcr表达:    pcr expression
        表达,正确:    express
        表达,表现:    give expression to
        表达;表示:    express
        表达层:    presentation layer
        表达出:    give expression to
        表达的:    expressed; expressive
        表达法:    expression method
        表达类:    expressives


  1. "表达某人的思想和意见"英文
  2. "表达能够"英文
  3. "表达能力强的"英文
  4. "表达谱"英文
  5. "表达谱的聚类分析"英文
  6. "表达青年的心声"英文
  7. "表达清楚"英文
  8. "表达情感"英文
  9. "表达确定和不确定"英文
  10. "表达人民的美好愿望"英文


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