

发音:   用"表象形式"造句
  • representational form


        表象:    presentation representation
        形式:    form; shape; layout; modalit ...
        抽象形式:    abstract form
        图象形式:    graphic form
        影象形式:    image form
        抽象形式模型:    abstract formal model
        象形:    [语言学] pictographic characters or pictographs, e.g. 日 (sun) and 月 (moon) -- one of the six categories of chinese characters (六书)◇象形文字 hieroglyph; pictograph; 象形字 pictographic character
        表象:    1.[哲; 心理] (在知觉的基础上所形成的感性形象) presentation2.[数; 物] (表示) representation◇表象定理 representation theorem; 表象空间 [物理学] representative space; 表象理论 [物理学] representation theory; 表象论 [哲学] presentationism
        象形丘:    effigy mound
        象形诗:    concrete poem
        象形石:    heirographen
        象形图:    code picto pictogramme; figurative diagram; figurative graph; pictorial chart
        象形文:    hieroglyphics
        象形字:    pictograph hieroglyph
        表象的:    presentational; presentative
        表象论:    representationalism
        表象型:    image type
        前表象:    prerepresentation
        形式:    1.(事物的形状、结构等) form; shape; layout; modality 流于形式 become a mere formality; 形式多样 be various in forms; 形式和内容 form and content; 他已经肯定获得那份工作了, 口头审查仅是形式而已。 he is already assured of the job and his interview is a mere formality.2.[自动化] (数据安排) format; [数学] quantic; shape
        埃及象形文:    egyptian hieroglyph
        成岩象形迹:    diaglyph
        抽象形态:    abstract form
        潜象形成:    latent-image formation
        象形单位图:    pictorial unit chart
        象形符号:    pictogram; replicative symbol; representation symbol


  1. "表象论"英文
  2. "表象思维"英文
  3. "表象图式, 复现图式"英文
  4. "表象系数"英文
  5. "表象型"英文
  6. "表象性概念化"英文
  7. "表象性知识"英文
  8. "表象性智能"英文
  9. "表象训练"英文
  10. "表象与深层"英文


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